Welcome on teknews blog 2.0 ^^
This is my blog about IT stuff, mainly in the Cloud. It’s called 2.0 because I used to have a wordpress, but not anymore.
Old articles from the WordPress era are available as archive in pdf in the Archive section.
Recording sessions with Bastion premium
About Cilium native authentication feature
Not Getting lost in the Service mesh and GAMMA initiative stuff in the k8s landscape
A look at Retina on AKS
Cluster mesh with Cilium in AKS
AKS and Cilium 101
What if I want to see Network Logs on Azure? - Part2
What if I want to see Network Logs on Azure? - Part1
Walkthrough - Secure Hub in Azure Virtual WAN
AKS Networking considerations - part 2
AKS Networking considerations - part 1
About resources moves in terraform state
Azure Virtual WAN 101
Terraform Import blocks
Aztfexport - A tool to export existing Azure resources to terraform configuration
Workload Identity in AKS
Sandbox containers and AKS
AKS encryption options
Overview of the AzAPI Terraform provider
Please Azure Arc Give me a Kubernetes Cluster
The state of Identity Management in AKS
AKS private cluster through the terraform lens
Hands on Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver Part 2
Hands on Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver Part 1
Back to basics - About Network Security Groups
Levering Logic apps to do ops stuff on AKS - Part 2
AGIC and AKS with Kubenet - Part 2
AGIC and AKS with Kubenet - Part 1
Levering Logic apps to do ops stuff on AKS - Part 1
Welcome to Jekyll and github pages!
AKS: Use AAD identity for pods and make your SecOps happy
AKS: integration to AAD with managed identity
Secure AKS at the deployment
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